

EARTH FACTS Earth Planet ProfiLE Equatorial Diameter: 12,756 km Polar Diameter: 12,714 km Mass: 5.97 x 10^24 kg Moons: 1 ( The Moon ) Orbit Distance: 149,598,262 km (1 AU) Orbit Period: 365.24 days Surface Temperature: -88 to 58°C 1-EARTH IS THE ONLY PLANET WHICH IS NOT NAMED AFTER GOD 2-EARTH IS 4 BILLION YEAR OLD 3-EARTH HAS GREATEST DENSITY AMONG ALL PLANET IN SOLAR SYSTEM 4-70% OF EARTH SURFACE IS UNDER WATER 5-EARTH IS ONLY PLANET THAT SUPPORT LIFE  6-MOUNT EVEREST IS THE HIGHEST POINT FOUND ON EARTH 7-EARTH HAS VERY POWER FULL MAGNETIC FIELD  8-DISTANCE FROM EARTH TO SUN IS ABOUT 1 AU[ASTRONOMICAL UNIT] 9-EARTH INTERIOR HAS 4 DIFFERENT LAYERS   10-  Taken as a whole, the Earth's chemical composition (by mass) is: 34.6% Iron 29.5% OXYGEN 15.2% SILICON 12.7% MAGNESIUM 2.4% Nickel 1.9% SULPHUR 0.05% TITANIUM Earth  is the third  planet  f...


TOP 10 FACTS 1- FOOD THAT CAN MAKE YOU FART               [ BEANS CORN CABBAGE MILK]    2-BANANA GROW CURVE CAUSE THEY GROW DOWNWARD TO THE SUN  3-BANGING HEAD TO THE WALL CAN BURN 150 CALORIES IN AN HOUR  4-WHEN HIPPO GET UPSET THERE SWEAT TURNS RED 5- AN EAGLE CAN KILL A YOUNG DEAR AND CAN FLY WITH IT 6-CHEROPHOBIA IS A FEAR OF FUN 7- HUMAN SALIVA BOILING POINT IS 3 TIMES MORE THAN AN NORMAL WATER 8- THERE IS SPECIES OF SPIDER CALLED HOBO SPIDER 9- A flock of crows is known as a murder. 10- Approximately 40,000 Americans are injured by toilets each year. The word "fact" derives from the Latin  factum , and was first used in English with the same meaning:  a thing done or performed , a meaning now obsolete. [1]  The common usage of "something that has really occurred or is the case" dates from the middle...

Poison and kill facts

Facts about Poisons Poison-  a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed. 1.Most danderious animal is   Poison  dart  frog  . 2. VENOMOUS AND POISONOUS? NOT THE SAME. 3.activated charcoal can cure poising  4.100 glass of water can kill an adult person 5.50 cups of coffee can also kill an adult person 6. Each year, poison control centers get more than 1.1 million calls about accidental poisonings among children ages 5 and under. 7. More than 9 in 10 poisonings in children occur in the home. 8. Common houseplants that contain some poisonous parts include the following: aloe amaryllis cyclamen dumb cane (also called Dieffenbachia) philodendron In  biology ,  poisons  are  substances  that cause disturbances in  organisms , usually by  chemical reacti...